Madey Equipment offers earth-friendly services to customers in Greenville, Spartanburg, Hendersonville, and Asheville. Retention pond maintenance, brush cutting, land clearing, and site preparation are critical for keeping your property safe and beautiful, and we help you maintain the area in the most natural way possible.
Our services are very versatile, fitting a range of maintenance needs in Greenville and Hendersonville areas. Field restoration after years of neglect, and bringing a damaged or overgrown retention pond back to functionality are just a couple of the jobs we look forward to performing for you.
If you have just purchased a property in Greenville, brush cutting may be the first order of business. Even though it may look like a hopeless case to you, our powerful equipment and efficient methods will have the area cleared and looking like a completely different place in no time.
Kudzu and other quickly-growing vegetation cause major problems in our area, taking over fence lines, trails, utility lanes, and driveways. Our process gets this unwanted growth under control again, restoring your property to its natural beauty. Call us today for a quote on your Spartanburg or Hendersonville brush cutting job.
Land Clearing
• Lots and Acreage
• Under Brushing and Kudzu
• Overgrown Fence and Property Lines
• Field and Pasture Restoration
• Bush Hogging
• Trail Construction and Maintenance
• Driveway Vegetation and Limb Widening
• Pond and Riverbank Maintenance
• Retention Pond Maintenance
• Utility Right of Ways

We can mulch up to 6"+ diameter material and chip up to 18” diameter material.
We can mulch up to 6"+ diameter material and chip up to 18” diameter material.

"Working to bring a smile to you and Mother Earth!"